
Doogee S55 Lite reviews by real users Doogee S55 Lite

User score

Overall satisfaction
Not enough reviews
1 review
  • Screen5.3
  • Performance5.0
  • Camera3.8
  • Connectivity2.3
  • Battery5.0
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Design & Materials

Is it a drop-resistant and scratch-resistant smartphone?

1 review

Do you think it's a nice phone?

1 review

Is it comfortable?

1 review

Can you see it well in the sunlight?

1 review

Performance & Hardware

Does it have good sound?

1 review

Does it work smoothly in everyday use?

1 review

What's your experience been with demanding games?

1 review


Quality of daytime photos

1 review

Quality of nighttime photos

1 review

Quality of selfies

1 review

Does it have a powerful flash?

1 review


Does it have good coverage for calls?

1 review

Quality of the GPS

1 review

And the WiFi?

1 review


How long does the battery last?
  • 0%
    Less than half day
  • 100%
    Less than a day
  • 0%
    One day
  • 0%
    More than one day
  • 0%
    Two days or more

1 review


Did it come with preinstalled applications?
  • 0%
    It comes with a clean operating system
  • 100%
    It has preinstalled apps but they don't bother me
  • 0%
    It has preinstalled apps that I can't uninstall

1 review

Do you regularly receive updates?
  • 0%
  • 0%
    Once a year
  • 100%
    Every six months
  • 0%
    Every two months or less

1 review

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User reviews

  • Auto
    I had a defective one for me it was a phone that did not meet the basic requirements

    The gps did not indicate where I was, it marked from 150m to 170km from my real position, one day I stayed and told me that I was in a hospital that is 170km from my position at that time, a hospital that has not been or passed by, I will remember the price for it that I bought it new all my life 140 euros I received 1 out of 10 calls there were people I could not even call, the Wi-Fi connection jumps continuously, the phone puts me in factory mode when he wants because the buttons are very sensitive I have been put in factory mode in the last 5 years and a half 18 times, the last one was yesterday because I changed my phone the only good thing was the battery that lasted 3 days and a half regardless of the use, the phone would fall once a week in terms of durability there are no complaints and resistance either although the screen scratches easily if you don't use a protector after two years the cable stopped working and the task was mine to find one to replace it, I haven't found any cable helmets for phone in all this time in the end I have some bluetooth, by the way the phone is very slow and faya a lot

    • Battery
    • what was mentioned before
    • 1.7
    • Screen5.2
    • Performance5.0
    • Camera3.7
    • Connectivity2.3
    • Battery5.0

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Last update
August 28, 2022
  • Rumor
  • Presell
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  • On Sale
Latest changes
  • New opinion 1 year ago
Ki Cost-effective
Not available
What is a Ki score?
Ki is an automatic score based on the specifications and prices of devices. It is calculated using over 200 variables to rank smartphones, tablets and other devices from best to worst.
How do we calculate the Ki?

In this case, to determine the score we evaluate 5 general aspects:

  • Design and screen
  • Hardware and performance
  • Camera
  • Connectivity
  • Battery

Once these 5 factors have been rated, we introduce the price variable. This means that any two devices with the same ratings get a different Ki score for quality vs price.

Even a device objectively worse than another may have a higher Ki score if it has a better price.

Does the Ki score change?

The Ki varies as time goes by. As new devices with better specifications enter the market the Ki score of older devices will go down, always being compensated of their decrease in price.