User score

Overall satisfaction
Not enough reviews
3 reviews
  • Screen8.7
  • Performance8.6
  • Camera9.8
  • Connectivity9.8
  • Battery7.0
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Design & Materials

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3 reviews

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3 reviews

Is it comfortable?

3 reviews

Can you see it well in the sunlight?

3 reviews

Performance & Hardware

Does it have good sound?

3 reviews

Does it work smoothly in everyday use?

3 reviews

What's your experience been with demanding games?

3 reviews


Quality of daytime photos

3 reviews

Quality of nighttime photos

3 reviews

Quality of selfies

3 reviews

Does it have a powerful flash?

3 reviews


Does it have good coverage for calls?

3 reviews

Quality of the GPS

3 reviews

And the WiFi?

3 reviews


How long does the battery last?
  • 0%
    Less than half day
  • 0%
    Less than a day
  • 100%
    One day
  • 0%
    More than one day
  • 0%
    Two days or more

3 reviews


Did it come with preinstalled applications?
  • 0%
    It comes with a clean operating system
  • 100%
    It has preinstalled apps but they don't bother me
  • 0%
    It has preinstalled apps that I can't uninstall

3 reviews

Do you regularly receive updates?
  • 0%
  • 0%
    Once a year
  • 0%
    Every six months
  • 100%
    Every two months or less

3 reviews

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User reviews

  • Брал за 400$ почти новый , а так нужно пробовать и смотреть ,оч много спорных моментов.

    + Экран (отличная цветопередача , минимальное значение шим , правильная калибровка, пленка на экране с завода)
    + Камеры (отличные для телефона в данной ценовой категории , телевик X5 это просто чудо, фронталка с огромным углом обзором теперь селфи палка не нужна, AI интеллект подстраивает обработка под тип объекта)
    + Система и эко система (Система не тормозит , можно на планшете подключиться к телефону позвонить и отправить смс , )
    + Быстрая память ( Память оч быстрая , передача данных по кабелю высокая )
    + Возможность поставить флеш карту ( до 256 гб со скоростью 90 мб/c )
    + Защита IP68 (да да тут без комментариев)
    + Молниеносная разблокировка по лицу (Самая лучшая разблокировка из всех возможных, работает идеально, )
    +Дизайн ( Он реально удобный , выглядит супер )
    +Быстрая зарядка 66W (В комплекте !)
    +Шустрый процессор
    +Видео ( 4K 60 Fps переключение между всеми модулями c компромиссами)

    +- Отсутствие гугл сервисов (Это первый компромисс и главная причина продажи этого телефона у других людей , у меня получилось настроить все приложения и они работают хорошо)

    - Нет Android Auto (не сделали аналог ? Huawei как так?
    - Маленькая емкость аккумулятора и горячий процесс( 4100 + snap 888 почему не 870 или 865 ?)
    - Телевик (перестает фокусироваться при температуре ниже 0)
    - Камеры (когда процессор нагревается до 46* по C перестают обрабатываться фото БЕЗ ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЯ.Это просто Ужасно т.к ты пришел домой ,а у тебя фотки как на Nokia 8800) Lifehack если фоткать в ночном режиме обработка будет и фотки будут обрабатываться но хуже,нет оптической стабилизации на главном модуле:(
    -Видео ( низкий битрейт , нет кнопки переключения между режимами )
    -Игры ( 888 в деле , из - за нагрева начинается троллинг и снижение фпс в играх) Горорят чехол Xundd с Дырками по бокам частично помогает этой проблеме,но это не точно)
    -Отпечаток пальца ( работает плохо,расположен низко ЗАЧЕМ если есть разблокировка по лицу которая работает почти идеально )

    • +
    • -
    • 9.2
    • Screen8.5
    • Performance8.3
    • Camera10
    • Connectivity10
    • Battery7.0
  • Auto
    Excellent cell phone in quality/photos/size with a very premium finish

    If you are looking for a cheaper option or a little smaller in hand than the P50 Pro and better than the Nova 10 or Nova 11 in the camera section, this is the best option! Excellent camera section (main and ultra wide angle as well as the selfie are identical to its older brother) and the rear cameras are better than those of the Nova 9, 10 and 11 family.

    • Excellent cameras
    • night photography
    • Stereo sound
    • Excellent OLED screen
    • Does not have 5G
    • The screen does scratch easily
    • 9.2
    • Screen9.0
    • Performance9.0
    • Camera9.5
    • Connectivity9.3
    • Battery7.0
  • Auto
    I took almost new for $ 400, and so you need to try and see, there are a lot of controversial points.

    + Screen (excellent color reproduction, minimum PWM value, correct calibration, film on the screen from the factory) + Cameras (excellent for a phone in this price category, the X5 telephoto is just a miracle, a front camera with a huge viewing angle is no longer needed, AI intelligence adjusts processing according to the type of object) + System and eco system (The system does not slow down, you can connect to the phone on the tablet to call and send SMS,) + Fast memory (The memory is very fast, data transfer via cable is high) + Ability to put a flash card (up to 256 GB at 90mb/s) + IP68 Protection (yes, no comment here) + Lightning-fast face unlock (The best unlock ever, works perfect, ) + Design ( It's really comfortable, looks super) + 66W fast charge (V included!) +Smart processor +Communication +Video ( 4K 60 Fps switching between all modules with compromises)+- Lack of Google services (This is the first compromise and the main reason other people sell this phone, I managed to set up all the applications and they work well) - No Android Auto (didn't make an analogue? Huawei how so? - Small battery capacity and hot process ( 4100 + snap 888 why not 870 or 865?) - Telephoto (stops focusing at temperatures below 0) - Cameras (when the processor heats up to 46 * C, photos stop being processed WITHOUT WARNING. It's just Terrible because you came home, but you have pictures like on Nokia 8800) Lifehack if you take a picture in night mode, the processing will be and the pictures will be processed but worse.) I don’t write about photo processing, you need to adapt. -Video (low bitrate, no button to switch between modes) -Games (888 in action, due to heating, trolling and FPS decrease in games) Burning Xundd case with holes on the sides partially helps this problem, but this is not accurate)-Fingerprint (works poorly, located low WHY if there is a face unlock that works almost perfectly)

    • +
    • -
    • 9.2
    • Screen8.5
    • Performance8.3
    • Camera10
    • Connectivity10
    • Battery7.0

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Last update
October 30, 2023
  • Rumor
  • Presell
  • New
  • On Sale
Latest changes
  • New opinion 5 months ago
  • Name, Storage 2 years ago
  • Version, Market, Operating System 2 years ago
  • Features 2 years ago
Ki Cost-effective
No price,
no Ki
  • 7.7 Design & Materials
  • 7.4 Performance & Hardware
  • 7.9 Camera
  • 6.4 Connectivity
  • 5.5 Battery
What is a Ki score?
Ki is an automatic score based on the specifications and prices of devices. It is calculated using over 200 variables to rank smartphones, tablets and other devices from best to worst.
How do we calculate the Ki?

In this case, to determine the score we evaluate 5 general aspects:

  • Design and screen
  • Hardware and performance
  • Camera
  • Connectivity
  • Battery

Once these 5 factors have been rated, we introduce the price variable. This means that any two devices with the same ratings get a different Ki score for quality vs price.

Even a device objectively worse than another may have a higher Ki score if it has a better price.

Does the Ki score change?

The Ki varies as time goes by. As new devices with better specifications enter the market the Ki score of older devices will go down, always being compensated of their decrease in price.